Deschamps, Mercia is a life short resident of  Chicago and the surrounding suburbs. After graduating from Joliet West High School as a brilliant student and a skilled artist, he returned to his struggle of choosing a major while getting ready for college, Also an Alumni at Morgan Park High School, he's an idealist student whom teachers reffed the fewer student body to capture the knowledge in him.

Grew up in a totally different environment then usual, raised by a single mom, whom devoted her life for us (my sister and i)

discovered my talent at the age of 5. Mom wasn't so amazed of what i was able to draw, but yet she kept all of my first drawings, because she had faith in me that one day, these drawings of mine will be needed by so many.

i never went outside without a pen or pencil on me, until these day i still have the same habit. i hate missing the opportunity to sketch a beautiful scene, or landscape view on a piece of paper.

As for now, i haven't taken major art classes yet, which inquirers me to perfection on my talent, but even better all of these painting you will see in my gallery were done recently without a major art classes.

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